Before your first coaching session…

If you’ve never had a coaching session before, or if you have, here are three questions for you to consider in order to get the most out of our conversation.

  • Where (in what area of your life) do you most need insight, help or support to move forwards?

  • What benefits could there be to me in addressing this, both personally and professionally?

  • What would I most like to learn or gain from this conversation?

Considering these questions can help us focus on helping you. However, it’s OK to not be clear or have answers to these questions – sometimes what we need is to talk something through so we get clear. This is a conversation for you, so we’ll do whatever works for you.

Still curious to know more about what to expect? Read on for more information.


Coaching supports you to develop yourself and to create better outcomes in your professional life. Whether you work for yourself or you’re part of a large team, we’ll focus on whatever is most helpful to you in moving forwards.

Some examples of topics I coach people on include:

  • How do I grow my business, even when times are tough?

  • How do I successfully navigate a transition in my employment?

  • How can I lead when I’m not the subject matter expert?

  • How do I inspire and gain commitment from other people?

  • How do I get the best from difficult or underperforming people?

  • How can I increase my career satisfaction and increase my energy?


My role as a coach is to facilitate and guide your learning and performance improvement. Learning happens best in an environment that is safe, supportive, encouraging and challenging, and part of my role is to create that.

Our session will involve you sharing your challenge. I’m trained to listen and offer observations that support you in moving forwards. I’m not a psychologist, I’m trained in the Ontological approach, a methodology that’s helped thousands of individuals and leaders across the world create more successful and satisfying careers, teams and businesses.

As a coach, I’ll spend a lot of time asking questions and listening for core issues that may not be immediately apparent. Just as the sports coach is not the athelete, I’m not an expert on how to do your job. Instead, my skill lies in asking questions and offering interpretations that get to the heart of an issue and facilitate a way forward.


I love helping people design and create meaningful work for themselves, and coaching is one of the most powerful ways I know to help do that.

I’ve have experience starting, failing and succeeding as the founder of several businesses. I also have signficant experience working in the professional, corporate world, including over ten years as a consultant and strategist. I now work as an independent coach, facilitator and trainer and I’ve helped individuals and leaders across a broad range of industries in organisations large and small, for profit and not for profit.

Coaching is a way for me to quickly offer insight and facilitate your learning. Wherever you’re at, I’m pleased to offer an approach that supports you to create more of what you want and less of what you don’t.